Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Entertainment Lawyer Dan Goodes Doesn't Exist

"NFL Lawyer, Who Claimed Super Bowl Is ‘Rigged’, Found Dead"

A recent article published on the website YourNewsWire claimed that entertainment lawyer, Dan Goodes, was murdered immediately following the attorney's claim that Super Bowl LII was rigged.  There is one small problem with this story.  Dan Goodes does not exist.  The NFL confirmed that they have not and do not employ an attorney by the name of Dan Goodes.  They also state that no claims have been made stating that Super Bowl LII is rigged.

YourNewsWire has been established a source of fake news.  CBS news compiled a list of 22 fake news sources to steer clear of and YourNewsWire took the number five spot. [1 image, 4 links, 1 quotation, 115 words]

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