Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Muslim Doctor Refuses to Save Dying Christian on Plane

      According to Patriot United a Muslim doctor, Dr. Jaleel Kohmeni was on board with a Christian man who was barely able to breathe. When a flight attendant asked if there was a doctor on board, Kohmeni raised his hand but said he preferred if an American doctor could help save the Christian man. He goes over tot he dying man and asked if he believed in God and the man replied yes. Kohmeni then "informed the flight attendant that he could only "give the man comfort to knowing Allah will give him the chance to redeem himself in heaven." but that he couldn't help save him." Obviously, that is NOT true. As a doctor, they take an oath to save anyone and everyone despise race or beliefs. The two men where taking joining flights from one American city to another, I am going to say it is safe to assume the doctor would have been an American citizen and probably had to take a mandated test in America to qualify as a doctor here in the U.S. The story then goes on saying they had to make an emergency stop for the dying man, and that he was later pronounced dead when all he needs was CPR. 

[1 image, 1 link, 1 quote, 207 words]

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