Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Anti-Gay Christian Baker Wins Lottery

       The Last Line Of Defense posted an article saying a married Christian couple that owned a bakery won the lottery. Said couple had apparently been sued for not baking a gay couple a cake for their wedding so they "wouldn't go to hell" for baking said cake. "They suffered loss after loss at the hands of the court". The steak had been broken when they had reportedly won $3 million dollars in the Oregon State Lottery. The article goes on and the woman reportedly quotes "The day I played my first number, they just came to me. A little voice told me not to worry, that God would be there in our time of need. And here he is. Those gays can have their money. I hope they use it to buy a nice wedding cake." After doing a little digging, because I was dumbfounded that someone would actually say that to a new reporter and that someone would actually post that quote, I had found that the story was fake and after looking at the details of the article, the publisher name was Flagg Eagleton. And if you click on the link, it brings up this picture of this man in sunglasses that is making an expression that makes him look like a joke. It's interesting how this story would not even be on any internet page, fake or not, if it didn't bring in a religous conflict. And how it is so easy to create these articles to put people of one culture more against another.

[1 image, 1 link, 2 quotes, 258 words]

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