Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Sasha Obama Crashes Bugatti into Lake

       Defense USA published story claiming Sasha Obama wrecked her use Bugatti Veyron her father had gotten her for Christmas into a lake into a lake with her friends present after she had picked them up. Supposedly "The younger Obama daughter frantically called police after she apparently went too fast around a turn and drove her car off the road and into Lake Hope, about 32 miles outside of Washington D.C.". Sasha Obama does not even own a Bugatti. The story was published saying it happened last year two days after Christmas but the picture on the right was actually published from a story back in 2009.  Actual Crash took place in Texas and there is a video showing right before the crash happened.

[1 image, 2 links, 1 quote, 123 words]

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