Fictitious Claims by Counselor to The President
As much as President Trump complains about fake news, he and his advisors perpetuate the fake news cycle.
Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the President, not once but twice, referred to the "Bowling Green Massacre" when defending Donald Trump's executive order on immigration. The problem.... there was no massacre. She cited the fictitious massacre in an interview with MSNBC's Chris Matthews in which she states, "Two Iraqis came here to this country, were radicalized, and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre. Most people didn't know that because it didn't get covered."
Later in an interview with Cosmopolitan magazine she states, "Why did he do that? He did that for exactly the same reasons. He did that because two Iraqi nationals came to this country, joined ISIS, traveled back to the Middle East to get trained and refine their terrorism skills and come back here and were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre of taking innocent soldiers' lives away."
CNN reportedly declined an offer for Kellyanne Conway to appear on their show State of the Union due to credibility issues. [1 image, 2 links, 2 quotations, 182 words]