Sunday, January 28, 2018

Junk Science, Fake News and Health Fads
 January 28, 2018

The popularity of de-tox diets, which claim to remove harmful chemicals from your body have no basis in scientific fact. “Detoxification, or the practice of ridding the body of toxic or harmful substances, is promoted on countless websites and endorsed by a host of celebrities.”  Toxins are substances that our bodies produce naturally as biproducts of our metabolic processes. Toxins can also be introduced into the body through exposure to chemicals in the environment. However, there is no evidence to suggest that any juices or “cleanses” can rid these from our bodies.  Our kidneys ,livers, and colons are the major organs for ridding our bodies of “toxins”. “In 2011, researchers at Georgetown University conducted a comprehensive review of the medical literature and found absolutely no scientific support of the practice of detoxifying the colon. In fact, colon cleanses can do more harm than good, according to Gershon.” [1 Picture, 2 Links,  147 Words]

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