Tuesday, February 13, 2018

American teenage killed A Muslim Refugee for raping his 7 Years Old Sister was Sentenced 30 Years in prison!? Nonsense!

On the 11th of February 2018, an unofficial Facebook page dedicated to the White House spokeswomen Sarah Huckabee Sanders posted a video providing a false information and a very poor caption! The video went viral, the intention of the video was obviously to spread the hatred between Americans and Muslims. I personally did not see any specific conversation or action on this video that can back up the caption "American teenage who killed Muslim Refugee for raping his 7 Years Old Sister Sentenced 30 Years in prison! Would You Set Him Free?
Don’t ignore this video!
Share it :)"
. Later, researcher learned that “the sobbing young man in royal blue, is Dylan Schumaker, a 21-year-old from New York state who in 2014 was sentenced to 25 years for beating his girlfriend’s toddler to death”. Typical fake news! Why can’t we stop being racist? Why can’t we spread love and kindness rather than hatreds? I wonder.

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