Sunday, February 11, 2018

Bad news equals fake news? Not here, says Charles Chong

Is fake news really news that's false, or is it news that someone doesn't agree with? According to Deputy Speaker Charles Chong of Singapore there is a temptation for "politicians to define all news detrimental to them as fake," not just in the United States but in Singapore too.

What does he suggest doing about it? Well, he wants everyone to make a judgement call on the information, to test whether or not false news is sabotage. Chong decided to come up with a committee acting like a focus group to come up with ideas to combat fake news. While America seems to relish the prospect of fake news, countries like Singapore are doing everything they can to combat it, seeing it as a destructive force.  [1 picture, 1 link, 1 quote, 126 words]

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