Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Body Doubles in Washington D.C.?

First Lady of the White House Melanie Trump has a body double? Kate Bennett, a White House reporter for CNN, sets the story straight on October 19, 2017. Bennett writes about the “bizarre” body double rumor of Melanie Trump that began from a random Tweet by a man in California and provides refuting statements from credible sources, like former Secret Service agent Jonathan Wackrow. “The United States Secret Service doesn’t use body doubles” Wackrow states, and he adds that Mrs. Trump’s does have a lead agent that is a woman who resembles her, but is not her body double.  I find it amusing how social media can flourish on an absurd, non-essential topic like this. The First Lady of the White House has a body double? Seriously, why do people care? [1 picture, 3 links, 2 quotations, 117 words]

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