Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Did a Judge Cut a Pedophile’s Prison Term Because He Claimed a 3-Year-Old ‘Asked’ to Be Raped?

In this article Kevin Jonas Rojano-Nieto was convicted of rape after performing sexual acts on a 3 year old innocent kid. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison even though the minimum sentence for that crime is a minimum of 25 years to life. Rumors went around saying that the judge lessened his sentence because Rojano- Nieto claimed she had "asked to be raped", however that claim was not mentioned in court and it is not on record anywhere, so the article was fake. The judge decided to give Rojano-Nieto a sentence of 10 years because Rojano- Nieto claimed to immediately end the sexual acts as he started and he just acted on impulse. With that being said the judge thought it would of been cruel and unusual to have given him the sentence of 25 years to life.  [1 image, 1 links, 1 quotations,140 words] 

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