Monday, February 19, 2018

Did a Judge Cut a Pedophile’s Prison Term Because He Claimed a 3-Year-Old ‘Asked’ to Be Raped?

Did a Judge Cut a Pedophile’s Prison Term Because He Claimed a 3-Year-Old ‘Asked’ to Be Raped?

A judge cut fifteen years off the sentence of a man convicted of lewd acts with a 3-year-old girl because the perpetrator claimed the child had 'asked to be raped. In December 2014, Kevin Jonas Rojano-Nieto was convicted of one felony count of sexual intercourse or sodomy of a child 10 years or younger, and one felony count of lewd acts upon a child under the age of 14. This event was in Santa Ana, California. The false notion that the defendant claimed the victim “asked me to do it,” and that the judge “backed” his claim, appeared nowhere in any reporting on the case, nor in the judge’s sentencing analysisthe judge held that he was recommending a lesser sentence because Rojano-Nieto had acted on a momentary impulse, had promptly recognized its wrongfulness, and had stopped almost immediately. If Rojano-Nieto had claimed his 3-year-old victim had “asked to be raped,” that element would surely have been cited by the prosecution as a factor supporting a harsher sentence. [ 1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 168 words]

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