Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Did Julia Roberts Tell Celine Dion 'Go Back in Your Country' If She Didn't like Trump?

Image result for julia roberts

On January 30, 2018, a website came out with an article about a celebrity who doubles as a trump supporter. They said that actress Julia Roberts said, "You’re Wrong Celine The U.S Was Destroyed By Obama And Muslim Terrorists and Now Trump Going To Make Obama’s Destroyed America Great Again Also If You Hate Trump You Can Go In Your Country". This article was obviously fake, due to all the misspellings and grammatical errors, but for those who don't notice that, this could be believable. Although it is true that Roberts is a trump supporter, she never said that about or to Celine Dion. 
[1 link, 1 quote, 1 image, 104 words] 

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