Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Did the Suicide Rate Drop Following YouTube Star Logan Paul's 'Suicide Forest' Video?

Image result for logan paul

Can this one youtube star, end all suicides in the world with videos of him laughing at corpses. This article about famous youtuber Logan Paul, claiming that after his video of him in a suicide forest, and finding an actual dead body, dropped the world suicide rate by a factor of 37%. The website Huzlers that, "It is being reported that worldwide suicides have actually dropped by 37% since the video was uploaded a few days ago". Even if Logan Paul's video saved lifes, the factor of life's it claims it saved is astronomically impossible. There is no way that 37% of the world wide suicides would drop after a few days after the video being uploaded.  [1 Image, 1 Quotation, 2 Links, 120 Words]

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