Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Does the Dow Jones suffer under Republican presidencies?

Recently the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 1,175 points which marks one of the biggest one-day drops in history. There is a meme that lists Donald Trump and George W. Bush's historic drops and people were quick to focus in on their political side of being Republicans. On the meme, it says "Share this for your friends who STILL think Republicans are GOOD for the economy." In reality, one-day losses or gains can happen despite the policies that the person in the Oval Office implements. This article isn't completely true, what's false about it is that points dropped are skewed and "nine of the ten biggest one-day percentage increases in history took place under the Republicans presidencies." To summarize, it's important to learn and be aware of what's really going on with the Dow Jones Industrial Average. [1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 138 words]

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