Sunday, February 11, 2018

Fake health advice everywhere, what to look out?

fake health news
There are tons of dozens of websites publishes false information on diseases, healthy diet plans and more only to promote their so-called health products! According to Peter Flax's research, although scams can't be completely avoided, there are ways to look out. His first suggestion is to pay close attention to the fine print. He says "Many deceptive sites post disclaimers saying they're not providing medical advice,...This may be an attempt to sidestep regulation and accountability". His second advice is to not be blinded by millions of fake reviews. He says "Videos that appear to go viral may have been promoted with ad dollars or paid viewers". The third advice is to check the fact to see if it's suggested by an expert.The last tip to always remember cost does not guarantee quality.  With this in mind, we might be able to avoid unnecessary scams. 
[1 image, 1 link, 2 quotes,144 words ]

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