As the spread of news and ideas gets easier and faster, so does the spread of fake news. Fake news has become such a problem that people fact check just about every bit of information they hear. The spread of fake news in the modern world had become an increasing problem, and even the pope had a few remarks about fake news. The pope said that fake news is a
"sign of intolerant and hypersensitive attitudes, and leads only to the spread of arrogance and hatred." The pope continued about the subject expressing that spreading fake news will not cause anything but harm and calls on journalists to avoid bias
"by practicing accuracy and fairness, which he called essential to promoting world peace." If everyone in the news industry would dedicate themselves to reporting truthfully for the sake or spreading true information to inform the public, rather than skew their information to appeal to their audience, then the amount of fake news may decrease as well as the negative impacts it can cause. [1 image, 2 links, 2 quotations, 173 words].
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