Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Hurricane Harvey Gas Panic

During Hurricane Harvey, social media was inundated with a plethora of fake news. These fake news reports ranged from doctored images depicting sharks on a Houston freeway, to falsified political statements. One peculiar bit of fake news spread like wildfire across social media, specifically in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. This news stated that there would soon be gas shortages due to the refineries in Houston being shut down as a result of the massive amounts of flooding taking place. Speaking to the Houston Chronicle, a Texas railroad commissioner equated the recent panic to a bank run, such as those seen in the years immediately prior to the Great Depression. Jeff Mosier of Dallas News writes that while it is true that Houston is home to “more than a fifth of the nation’s refining capacity,” these refineries will likely be undamaged in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. The article also mentions that “refineries in Oklahoma and other nearby states could also be tapped into ease the supply crunch.”

            I was personally inundated with such concerns from friends and family. My phone was constantly lighting up with their messages explaining the need to immediately get gas, as the lines at the gas stations were already stretching far into the street. In these situations, it is best to analyze the information that comes across social media carefully. In addition, it is also best not to act on impulse or emotion. [1 image, 2 links, 2 quotations, 241 words]

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