Thursday, February 15, 2018

Is a Murderous Taxi Driver Killing People in His Cab?

Is a Murderous Taxi Driver Killing People in His Cab?

Social Media users from Nigeria to New York city accused an unidentified man of being a taxi driver moonlighting as a serial killer. A post in February emanated from a user in Nigeria who posted a picture of a man and the his license plate while accusing him of murdering people in his car. When researching it was found that the same photo was found on two different dating websites and the man was identified as a resident of Casablanca. However the Zambian observer claimed that he was a Congolese accusing him of several murders. A spokesperson for the actual Brooklyn District attorney said that they "knew nothing about the person in the picture or the allegations".  [1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 117 words]

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