Monday, February 12, 2018

Justin Timberlake says 'Mandatory Vaccination Schedules are Un-American'

Justin Timberlake said that "The whole concept of mandatory vaccination schedules is Unamerican.", obviously this is fake news. According to, YourNewsWire, this is what Justin said, "The whole concept of mandatory vaccination schedules is un-American,” according to Justin Timberlake, who says “Why risk damaging your precious child for the sake of the herd?”. None of this is true. Justin Timberlake made no such comments in January 2018 or at any other time. The only intersection with this article and reality was a 2-year-old rumor that Justin and his wife Jessica were considering not vaccinating their child due to unspecified "complications". Link  [1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 100 words].

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