Thursday, February 1, 2018

Pope Francis picks Donald Trump for president.

In July 2016 WTOE 5 News wrote that Pope Francis went against his traditions to deliver Trump the President of United States. This news although became viral but was not confirmed by any reputable source and WTOE 5 News is considered one of the top sites for Fake News. "WTOE 5 News is a fantasy news website.  Most articles on are satire or pure fantasy." Interestingly, this is the second time fake news was made up about pope. The first time being about supporting Democratic Bernie Sanders in October 2015. Moreover, they reported the Pope to have said "“I have been hesitant to offer any kind of support for either candidate in the US presidential election but I now feel that to not voice my concern would be a dereliction of my duty as the Holy See." [138 Words , 2 Quotes , 1 Link , 1 Picture]

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