Friday, February 16, 2018

Snapchat's New Update

With fake news can come fake advertisements, false accusations, and misleading stories. When out in with a large group of people, I find myself noticing that everyone has their heads buried in their cell phones. I am all too guilty of spreading news by sharing a viral tweets to friends and followers. It is also common in my generation to share news via mouth when aimlessly scrolling apps. For instance today I was on a bus and one person exclaimed, “Snapchat is changing back!”. Everyone immediately started cheering, as the new app design has gotten some major push back. There is even a “petition, which was started by Nic Ramsey [that] has been signed by 947,783 people.” However the good news was shortly put to a halt because it was just a fake tweet. [1 image, 1 link, 2 quotes, 141 words]

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