Friday, February 16, 2018

Still Alive!

Cops Say Missing Officer Faked His Death

Suicidal Texas lawman fled to Mexico!

Deciding he was finished living a normal life, Coleman Martin, a Texas police officer, set up an elaborate plan to fake his own death and runaway to Mexico.  When he left his home on the morning of his disappearance, "despondent and emotionally distressed," he sent his wife, Jaclyn Williams, a text message saying, "he was having a tough time and needed to leave to clear his head."  In his message included a series of photos, one of which was a hand written suicide note saying he was headed to the Texas/ Mexico border to drown himself. It was discovered that Martin bought a passport and tablet the day he left.  Also, he withdrew $300 from an ATM and bought a raft, rope, and concrete rocks. The raft was found 250 miles south of Austin, floating, looking like the rock had been thrown overboard, as well as a suicide note.  Authorities have reason to believe Coleman is still alive, he was seen fleeing on security footage from a gas station near by.  It is now suspected that he planned his fake suicide and planned on fleeing to Mexico, possibly with his mistress to start a new life.  Authorities have now issued a warrant for his arrest which will include a $3500 bond.

[1 link, 2 quotes, 1 picture, 209 words]

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