Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Supersoldier (9 Feet Tall) At Kim Jong II Funeral?

Now, you may think that North Korea manipulated this picture in order to look like they are building a stronger army. "But the photo comes straight from the Associated Press, with no credit noted to KCNA," a North Korean news agency. This picture was included in The Atlantic on December 28, 2011 under the name of Alan Taylor. The website I received this picture from only had two ridiculous theories: "three children stacked one atop the other Little Rascals-style" or the "plausibility that our peripheral mystery figure is none other than Ri Myung Hun / Michael Ri." This is a great example of fake news especially since we hear tons of rumors from North Korea. [1 image, 1 link, 3 quotations, 114 words]

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