Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Arizona Monitor Endorses GOP Arizona Senate Candidate Kelli Ward

The Arizona Monitor Not A Real News Site.

Kelli Ward recently posted on her Facebook page as well as her campaign website touting her recent endorsement by The Arizona Monitor.  The problem is The Arizona Monitor is an anonymous pro-Kelli Ward blog and not a reputable news source.

Ward quoted The Arizona Monitor as stating, "They all, despite how much some of them profess their love and devotion to President Trump, didn't have the stones to run against Jeff Flake and will have made the 'brave' decision to run for Senate only after Flake decided he wasn't going to run ... Kelli Ward is your woman."

Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania is quoted in a recent Politico article, "How do you know it was not the Russians?  How do you know that's not organized crime?  How do you know that it isn't a group of pedophiles?".

Will we never learn from our mistakes? [1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 163 words]

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