Wednesday, February 14, 2018

YouTuber Finds "Stagehand" in Apollo Moon Landing

There has always been different conspiracy theories on whether or not the Apollo 17 moon landing in December of 1972 was actually real, and YouTuber Streetcap1 posted a video in November of 2017 with his own conspiracy theory. In his video, entitled "Reflection in a Visor," Streetcap1 believes he can see a "stageman" in the reflection of one of the astronauts' helmets, claiming that "it looked a bit strange, so [he] took a picture of it using [his] software." He explained that he did in fact believe in the moon landing, but after looking at this picture he was now in doubt. "You can see some, sort of, it looks like a man, back in the early '70s, long hair," and he also didn't believe he was wearing a spacesuit, therefore changed his views on this landing. Of course, no one takes his word for it; everyone thinks he has somehow digitally altered. [1 image, 1 link, 2 quotations, 153 words]

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