Sunday, March 25, 2018

Animal Killer on Conversion Counsel?

In March 2018, people began to believe that Trump had appointed a well known animal hunter to be on the Wildlife Conversion counsel. Based of some headlines, it was perceived that Trump's administration made the bold more of hand picking Walter Palmer to be apart of a new group meant to help wildlife. This, however, is not true. This fake news began to spread with misleading articles like “Trump just put Cecil the Lion’s killer’s hunting club on new federal wildlife panel” from the Washington Post. The article stated that “At least ten of the 16 members of the panel are affiliated with “Safari Club International” including Palmer, but that can easily be debunked because SCI has over 50,000 members. Also the list of the International Wildlife Conversion Council was published in November and Palmer was not on it.

[1 image, 1 link, 2 quotes, 140 words]

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