Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Did a Gay Man 'Turn Heterosexual' After a Near-Death Experience?

Did a Gay Man 'Turn Heterosexual' After a Near-Death Experience?

A gay man renounced homosexuality after a near-death experience. William Frohlich, 34, claims he has been haunted for weeks by horrifying visions of “demons” and “Hell”. He believes this is happening because he was electrocuted during home repairs which led his heart to stop beating for several minutes before paramedics intervened. The hellish visions were so frightening that the 34-year-old software engineer has even left his boyfriend of 12 years in the process of “trying Often misappropriate unrelated mugshots for use in their stories, the accompanying picture of the fictional “William Frohlich” (whose surname means “merry” or “cheerful” — that is, “gay” — in German) was actually an image of white supremacist. People are losing their minds and that is unheard of for that to happen to someone after being electrocuted.  [1 image, 1 quotation, 3 link, 139 words]

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