Friday, March 23, 2018

False Florida Fun

Abcnews-us is the perfect example of a known fake news website, and their false claim of legalized recreational marijuana in Florida is a perfect example of a story that sounds like it could be true, but isn’t. The article makes the somewhat believable claim that a vote to legalize in the state passed; though Snopes confirms that it is false. Snopes notes that while the democrat Janet Cruz is a real democrat, the quotes This bill is so much more than legalizing marijuana—it’s about legalizing opportunity and prosperity,” and “The state budget was due two weeks ago, and Florida simply can’t afford to wait any longer. We deserve a real plan to create new jobs and stimulate our lagging economy, and that’s what this bill is.” are completely false. Using small bits of truthful information is a common method that fake news sites use to make their stories appear more legitimate.

[1 image, 2 links, 2 quotations, 152 words]

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