Friday, March 23, 2018

More Fake News Than Real

CNN media addresses in an article called, “Fake news spreads much faster on Twitter than true news, study finds” to analyze certain data to compare how fake news spreads. Sinan Aral is alarmed by the “potential consequences” our media creates by feeding into fake news. Data collected over 2 years shows that researchers, found that it took true news stories about six times longer to reach 1,500 people on Twitter than stories that were false.” Although twitter does a good job at verifying users, most people spreading these articles are low profile; meaning they do not have a lot of followers themselves. Users need to be cautious of who they see the news from to prevent fake news overpowering real news. The article suggests to compare looking at news like you would a food label before retweeting or sharing. [1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 146 words]

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