Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Photoshop or Frankenstein's Monster?

Photoshop or Frankenstein's Monster?

You hear day in and day out about “alien sightings’ or seeing Sasquatch, but have you ever heard of a camel that is missing half its body? A recent Instagram post from the profile Wild Viewing posted a picture of a camel with only the front half of its body. The post was accompanied with the caption “This Camel in Saudi Arabia had lost half it’s body when it unfortunately wandered onto a land mine. After losing the back portion of its body, surgeons worked tirelessly arranging the internal organs into a functioning system. They also created the Camel a new functioning Anus. The Camel has made new friends with the local Ostrich family where they have adopted him as one of their own. The Camel is able to regurgitate water directly into the Ostriches mouths when there is no other water source available”. Anyone who saw that picture should have had their suspicions, but as the usual some people still believed. The picture looks as absurd as it sounds, and even though it isn't real it does make for one heck of a story!

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