Friday, April 20, 2018

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A story has gone viral claiming the “March for Our Lives’ permit application was made months before the Parkland shooting. The story was entirely based off of misunderstanding and initiates that the shooting was completely staged and the rally was submitted months before February 14th, the day the shooting took place. The story was based off of an email exchange between James Fetzer and Scott Earhardt. Earhardt, a police officer for Washington D.C. MPD, suggested the rally was permitted way before the school shooting that left 17 students dead. He stated in the email, “In reference to your inquiry concerning the March For Our Lives Demonstration, here in the District of Columbia on March 24, 2018. MPD received a permit application several months prior to the actual event, and there was several months of planning for this large event”. FellowshipoftheMinds took this information and ran with it before confirming if it was factual information. Earhardt later confirmed that he confused “March For Our Lives” and March For Life”. MPD confirmed that “March For Our Lives” Permit Application for the rally was received February 21, one week after the deadly school shooting.

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