Friday, April 20, 2018

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During 2017 President Trump raved on Twitter about “fake news” and the sources that circulate these stories. He tweeted about his upcoming Fake News Awards in which he would rank the news sources that spread the “fake news”. “Subjects [which] will cover Dishonesty & Bad Reporting in various categories from the Fake News Media.” Many popular news sites such as; CNN, The Washington Post, News Week, ABC News, and the New York Times were all listed along with their “fake news” articles that got them a spot on the list. The Fake News Awards come after President Trump had a tough year fighting all of the biased media, false claims, accusatory statements, and negative news that swarms the media. Once all the fake news sources/stories had been listed, there was a list of all the accomplishments that President Trump has made since becoming POTUS.

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