Friday, April 13, 2018

How fake news spreads:
Fake news spreads from sources to consumers through a complex ecosystem of Websites, social media, and bots. Features that make social media engaging,  including the ease of sharing and rewiring social connections, facilitate their manipulation by highly active and partisan individuals (and bots) that become powerful sources of misinformation.
The polarized and segregated structure observed in social medias inevitable given two basic mechanisms of online sharing: social influence and unfriending
homogeneous ,creating ideal conditions for selective exposure and confirmation bias. They are also extremely dense and clustered
so that messages can spread very efficiently and
each user is exposed to the same message from many sources. Hoaxes have higher
chances to go viral in these segregated communities
Even if individuals prefer to share high quality information, limited individual attention and information overload prevent social networks from discriminating between messages on the basis of quality at the system level allowing low quality information to spread as vitally as high quality information This helps explain higher exposure to fake news online.

Image result for how fake news spread

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