Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Parkland Shooting Rumor

After the Parkland high school shooting, there was a march in Washington that drew hundreds of thousands of people to the event. Ole Dammegard, author of multiple conspiracies, investigated the March for Our Lives and emailed a Washington Police Department to find out exactly when the application for the event was submitted.  Unfortunately, officer Earhardt who responded to the email, had confused this march with the march for life that happened earlier this year. Because of the mix up of events, he told Dammegard that the application was submitted months prior making it seem as if the Parkland shooting was possibly planned. “Earhardt told PolitiFact that the story is not factual and that the permit for March for Our Lives was issued on March 13.” When looking at a story that seems pretty farfetched, remember that sometimes people make mistakes and it is easy for false information to be spread. Oh, and maybe remember to not believe everything you read off of a conspiracy blog.
[1 link, 1 quote, 1 picture, 165 words]

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