Friday, April 20, 2018

Starbucks Newest Scandal

It is a sensitive time in America where racial tension seems to be on the rise. After an incident in a Philadelphia Starbucks that ended in a wrongful arrest of two black men, rage spread across the nation. As a barista that works at this Starbucks, we were informed on what do incase of a riot that could possibly happen at our store. We were told about what to do incase of angry customers that come in and so on as well. Starbucks is going above and beyond to fix the terrible mistake that one store manager did, however, despite the news going around, there is no coupon for one free drink for people of color. “According to the Daily News, one of the coupons contains instructions for the barista to punch in the code, ‘1488,’ a set of numbers associated with white supremacist groups.” Informed Fox News. This fake coupon that has been spreading also includes a QR code that when scanned will pull up the “N-word.” So be aware when you stumble across this, no Starbucks will accept it and the company is in no way associated with such coupon.
[1 link, 1 quote, 1 image, 192 words]

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