Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Truth About Marijuana

Marijuana is a substance growing in popularity. States around the country are starting to legalize this once forbidden plant. With that, comes some false information spread by people who do not like the idea of legalized marijuana. One story spread about how 37 people died from Marijuana overdose on the day it was legalized in Colorado. This is quite humorous considering it is impossible to overdose on marijuana. People also tried to push the fact that legalization means it will be easily accessible to young kids and the number of children that smoke marijuana will rise. “The most recent state and federal data shows that in the years since marijuana legalization, fewer teens are consuming. That's now just a fact.” No matter what side you fall on in regard to legalization to marijuana, remember to truly research the information you read to make sure it is true and always check your sources.
[1 link, 1 image, 1 quote, 153 words]

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