Monday, February 19, 2018

Fake News is Cool

                                        Fake News is Cool  

Long before “fake news” became a hit for the Trumpites, it was the trendiest form of protest for the George W. Bush years. It was the year of fake news. No,  it was not 2017, when so-called fake news reigned as a staple of the president’s tweetsFacebook cracked down on false accounts that spewed propaganda, and Collins Dictionary anointed “fake news” its “word of the year.” In 2004, fake news had become the “the comic trope of the moment." Much like the present political moment, there was no shortage of political rage in 2004.  This was also the last era before the internet and social media splintered American news consumption habits. This is something all millennials know, is Fake News does exist.  [ 1 image, 3 links, 1 quotation, 123 words]

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