Friday, February 16, 2018

Mostly False: 18 U.S. school shootings so far in 2018 and 18 in rest of the world over past 20 year
In the recent school shooting in Florida, it has sparked a lot of attention again on gun laws, or lack there of.  The media, is claiming that since the new year, there has been 18 school shootings.  Certain reporters and analyst are reporting that this information is incorrect. "It's a provocative claim that has generated 130,000 likes on Twitter."  There have been several suicides, incidents of stray bullets going through windows and not injuring anyone  or shoot outs near a school.  While even a single bullet fired in a school at a student is too many, it is irresponsible reporting to state that there are more shooting in schools than are actually taking place.  Gun laws are what they are and until they are changed, there is no reason for incorrect reporting to scare people into what the democrats believe is a necessary change.
[144 words, 1 image, 1 quote, 1 link]

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