Friday, February 16, 2018

Tragic End!

Jackie Kennedy — Guilt-Ridden Widow’s Assassination Secret

Refused to testify in new JFK hearings!

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy was one of the saddest days in the history of America.  People all across the country and even world mourned the death of the young leader, taken way too early.  None mourned more and harder than his beloved wife, Jackie Kennedy.  She has finally explained to the Enquirer that he felt go guilty about her husbands death because she feels she could have prevented it.  She describes the incident, "I was looking left at the time of the shot, if only I had been looking to the right, I would have seen the first shot hit him and could have pulled him to safety before the final shot killed him." She told author William Manchester about her continued guilt and in his opinion, "poor Jackie has never gotten over the guilt of not pulling her husband to safety that day."

[1 picture, 1 link, 2 quotes, 147 words ]

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