Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Judge Cut a Pedophile’s Prison Sentence

Image result for Did a Judge Cut a Pedophile’s Prison Term Because He Claimed a 3-Year-Old ‘Asked’ to Be Raped?

This fake news article was fabricated when it was claimed that a judge cut a pedophile's prison term because the three year old victim asked for it. At first glances this article could seem very questionable, and looked into by many people who were drawn into it because of the headline. The situation was that Rojano-Nieto was accused of rapeing a three year old girl, and that judge Marc Kelly would lessen the sentence for Mr. Rojano because he immediately stopped assaulting the child, and felt sorry for his actions. In this fake article it claims that judge Kelly stated "However, in looking at the facts of Mr. Rojano’s case, the manner in which this offense was committed is not typical of a predatory, violent brutal sodomy of a child case". The truth of this case would be that it doesn't matter how sorry, or how quickly they stopped assaulting a victim, that person deserves to be in a jail cell for a long time. [1 image, 1 links, 1 quotation, 166 words].

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