Monday, February 12, 2018

Neuroscientist Gets "Fake Science" Published in "Predatory, Dodgey" Scientific Journals

According to an article published in Science Alert, a neuroscientist submitted a bogus research study to several scientific journals and it was accepted and published. The intent to "submit the fake study was to see "how low the quality bar is for exploitative predatory journals". These journals will publish for a fee and articles are not peer reviewed. The articles were submitted to nine such journals and three of them actually published the fake science. One journal,  The American Journal of Medical and Biological Research accepted the publication but "demanded a $360 fee before publishing it". According to Science Alert, the article is obviously fake and is littered with references to characters in Star Wars. The bogus article was accepted despite an admission within the article that it had been copied from Wikipedia.[ 2 Quotes, 2 Links, 1 Picture, 133 words]

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