Monday, February 12, 2018

University Classes are now being offered on Fake News and Propaganda at The University of Haifa, According to The Jerusalem Post

Classes are now being offered at The University of Haifa to educate students about the dangers of Fake news and propaganda. The courses taught by Dr. Levyatan, an expert in  psychological warfare and propaganda, will focus on teaching students how to identify fake news and use critical thinking skills in order to analyze and sift real, credible news from fake news. In an online article in The Jerusalem Post published in October, Dr. Levyatan stated that,  “we live in an era in which we cannot tell which information is legitimate and which is fake because of social media and everyone is into provocation,you must make the headline, in order to be provocative.” According to Dr. Levyatan, fake news is not going away and will only get worse as consumers are turning to online sources for information. Misinformation can spread quicker than corrections can be made. Fake news and "yellow Journalism" can threaten our democracy by affecting elections and widespread electoral sentiment. According to Dr. Levyatan, this can have disastrous consequences for democracies everywhere. [I Link, 1 Picture, 1 Quote, 139 words]

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