Monday, February 19, 2018

Was the Body of the Clintons' Former Housekeeper Found in Arkansas?

Was the Body of the Clintons' Former Housekeeper Found in Arkansas?

The body of the Clintons' former housekeeper was found by Arkansas police. On 20 December 2017, the America’s Last Line of Defense web site published an article headlined “Latest Dead Body Tied to the Clintons Turns Up Valuable Evidence,” reporting the discovery in Arkansas of the body of a former housekeeper for the Clintons, a woman who had disappeared over thirty years earlier. “The body was wrapped so well in plastic that much of the tissue is still intact. We were able to extract 2 DNA samples. We’ve determined that one was an unborn child. That could be huge in determining who else was a part of this young woman’s life.” Though, many people have said the Clinton's can be shady, who is to say this isn't true? [ 1 image, 1 link, 1 quotation, 128 words]

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