Monday, March 12, 2018

Putin Up With The Polls

Putin is spreading the image of a powerful leader on thick with his claims that just prior to the opening ceremony of the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics,  Putin ordered a passenger plane shot down. Putin said in an interview with Andrei Kondrashov that he gave permission to shoot down the airplane with 110 passengers onboard because he had information that it had been hijacked, and was headed towards the ceremonies. Luckily for those 110 passengers information was quickly gathered that it had not been hijacked at all. When pressed about the time between both calls of information, Putin stated "I'd rather not talk about that."

Putin may not have wanted to talk about it but he is using the footage of the scrambling fighter jets, set to patriotic music, as a campaign message on his type of character as president. I do not think that such a bold, borderline sociopathic move would get many votes here in the U.S. Putin has a catchy campaign slogan too. How about "A strong president---A strong Russia!" It does not say if the incident is actually true or just propaganda, and with Putin it is hard to tell. I guess Russia doesn't mind Putin up with that kind of behavior.... For more on this story see:

Would he really blow a passenger plane out of the sky?

[213 words, 1 image, 2 quotes, 1 link]


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