Monday, March 12, 2018

Did Trump Back Down from NRA?

In a story that is sure to get the ire of the President, Jonathan Easley of The Hill, is implying that President Trump has backed off his comments about higher age restrictions and expanded background checks out of fear of the NRA. Sara Huckabee, the White House press secretary flatly stated "He hasn't backed away from these things at all", and "They're still outlined in the plan."

The submitted proposal is different from the emotional promises made by President Trump and they are all being pointed out as missing. The NRA was a big backer and financial supporter of Trump's campaign in 2016 so there could be loyalties there. It is interesting that there is talk about leaving some of the laws up to the states to pass instead of the federal government. I'm not sure if President Trump backed down or if he just can't get traction in a divided government. Either way this is a wild ride that has been going on for years already.

For more information on this story, see:

He is gonna' pop a cap in here

[174 words, 1 image, 2 quotes, 1 link]

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