Monday, March 12, 2018

Russia to Romney; No Job for You?

Mallory Shelbourne's headline in The Hill dated 03/05/2018 is telling us that Russia stopped Mitt Romney from becoming Secretary of State for the Trump administration. The article is citing a New Yorker story about a former British spy named Christopher Steele that provided the magazine with the information from a "senior Russian official" as his source. This story goes on to claim that "individuals inside Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs stopped Romney from becoming head of the State Department" (Shelbourne).

There is little in the way of evidence or more than it's just fun to report spy games in this story. As outspoken as Romney has been, I do not see him standing by while anyone, especially Russia, does anything to hamper him. The story wraps up with the statement that Steele "compiled an unverified and controversial dossier detailing Trump's alleged ties to the Kremlin." If nothing else comes from this presidency, it will definitely keep us all entertained with the stories and conspiracy theories.

For more on this story see:

That hair will never fit under those fur hats......

[171 words, 1 image, 3 quotes, 1 link]


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