Monday, March 12, 2018

So.....Russia didnt help Trump now?

In a surprise move...note the sarcasm here, the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee have reached the conclusion that Russia did not help President Trump win the 2016 election over Hillary Clinton. Elizabeth Preza of Raw Story writes that the committee has "concluded the interview portion of their Russia investigation and are moving to conclude the probe."

This group does not agree with the beliefs of the FBI, CIA, and NSA that Russia wanted Trump to win the election. The House Intelligence Committee said "evidence does not support" the beliefs of the U.S. intelligence community. So which is the fake news, Russia helping Trump, or the Republicans saying the intelligence community is wrong? This whole mess has wasted a lot of time and money over what? For more on this topic see:
Friends will be friends?

[132 words, 1 image, 1 link, 2 quotes]

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