Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Rat Meat Substituted into Chicken WIngs

Urban Image Magazine published an article in February of 2016 claiming that over 300,000 pounds of counterfeit chicken were bought prior to that year's NFL Super Bowl. So what were those chicken wings? Rat meat. Is it true? No. We know it is biased because the source they cited was from World News Daily Report, and the WNDR is well known for their fabricated news. Not only did they make a huge claim, but they had no evidence and pictures that were unrelated to the chicken wings or the 2016 Super Bowl. This news went viral in 2017, but luckily on "March 17, the Food and Drug Administration addressed and debunked the story" (Link). [1 image, 1 link, 1 quote, 114 words]

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