Thursday, March 15, 2018

Tiger Mother Loses Cubs During Birth and Given Piglets to Replace

On a dark day at the San Diego Zoo, new mother of a litter of tiger cubs experiences the worst possible- her entire litter suffocated at birth. Although the beginning of this report was true, popular fake news cite "Clickhole" created a click-bait article with a twist on the end of the story. Originally, the San Diego Zoo news story told a heartwarming story of how zookeepers provided the grieving mother with piglets dressed as tiger cubs and she adopted the piglets as her own. However, in the fake news article, Clickhole twists the story to the idea that the zookeepers provided the mother with the piglets as none other than a comforting snack. "It was the perfect meal for Maaravi... taking her time to sniff them, nuzzle them, and gobble them down one by one!" (Clickhole, 2016)

Clickhole (source)

[1 image, 1 link, 1 quote, 141 words]

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