Thursday, March 15, 2018

Trump Wall Prototype Designed by Yayoi Kusama

The satirical image created by popular fake news cite "The Onion" plays on political jokes and contemporary artist Yayoi Kusama. The title and image are effective as click-bait components together because one must already be familiar with Yayoi Kusama's work, particularly his "Infinity Mirros" piece. The design of this piece is displayed behind Trump in the image. "Yayoi Kusama... focuses the reflective chamber on a series of acrylic yellow gourds covered in black polka dots..." (Stoffel Quadrant Gallery, DMA) Without knowledge of the signature art installation, an average person scrolling through articles could easily be fooled by such a headline allowing The Onion to create a very effective fake article.

The Onion (source)

[1 image, 2 links, 1 quote, 115 words]

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